Yesterday I got my hair straightened. I never thought about having this done as my hair is already super sleek. Sleek with unruly parts that keep jumping out....
I decided to give it a go and I like the result! Sleek hair, like sleek hair should be; no crazy twists in awkward places!
It took quite a while. First some kind of liquid was divided through my hair (smelly stuff!!). It got washed out and my hair was blown dry. The hairdresser treated my hair strand by stand with a straightening iron. This took forever!! The last part was to put in another liquid that then was washed out later. Then I was ready for a cut.
The hairdresser told me that the straightening would take half an hour. Uh uh, I took about an hour and a half, leaving me with no time before my next class. In the end I made it home 3 min before my student and his mom arrived!
We had a good class and later I had fun with Lexie. She was saying 'bye bye' the whole time. I said 'Oma bye bye' and she would repeat. Ultra cute!! 'Pappa bye bye, Opa bye bye, mamma bye bye' all came out smoothly :)
2 opmerkingen:
Cool! Staat je goed!
Ziet er goed uit.
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