This is my view as I'm writing this blog:

We're in Thailand, hurrah! So you might wonder what the flipping heck I'm doing online. Good question ;) well you see, I just had a very leisurely shower and Izzie is still napping now. Haiwen and Lexie are off playing somewhere, I think in the sea. Lexie ran off as quickly as her little legs could carry her at the mention of the word 'nap'.
Daddy and Lexie at breakfast.
XiYangYang joined us by iPad. Can you tell Lexie goes to Chinese kindergarten? ;)
Playing with Izzie at the poolside.
The first two nights we stayed at an inland resort. We took a cab to the beach and found a very nice place to relax and play:
Lexie threw water all over her shirt but luckily somebody helped us to blow it dry again. It was of course the only time that we didn't bring a back up shirt. Don't tell grandma, hahaha.
Last night we went out for dinner on the beach. Due to not enough napping both girls were NOT in a good mood. We wolfed down some food and hurried back to the hotel where they both calmed down fast.
It is great to be on non-blocked internet. It is so much more fun to use my phone here. No messing around with a VPN and stuff simply works. Very nice. I am however more focussed on the sea and the blue skies ;)
It is very nice to just be by ourselves. I don't think this has ever happened before! It is more tough parenting wise but also easier since Haiwen and I are mostly on the same page.
OKlaaaa, time to go enjoy the beautiful surroundings here, xoxo
2 opmerkingen:
Heerlijk toch wanneer je zo met jullie 4 tjes kunt genieten van elkaar. Dat is pas vakantie en boeit het niet waar je bent. Alhoewel ik natuurlijk ook wel in die omgeving vakantie zou willen vieren :p ;p Groetjes carla
Ben stik,jaloers
geniet ervan. bettie
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