Aaaaaaaand, we're back in Guangzhou! We had a great time in Thailand and we'll be heading off with the four of us again, hopefully sometime soon :)
Tropical flower girl taking in the view |
We had lunch here, Skyping with grandparents Tummers from the restaurant overlooking the pool and the sea. As you can see we were suffering greatly ;) Hehehe, we went back for dinner as well as they have a wide couch for Izzie to chill out on (we didn't take the stroller along for dinner).
Miss Izz chilling out |
Dinner at this restaurant was inspired by the lovely lunch there and the fact that we had two unhappy girls the night before ;) It went much better but Izzie got too tired so I took her back to the room first, super convenient. Haiwen came back with Lexie a little while later. Unfortunately Thai cuisine is not that good at seafood BBQ. We tried it twice and it does not come close to the Cantonese level of preparing seafood. Massaman curry on the other hand is simply heavenly. We decided to stick to the curries afterwards, hihi.
At Samui airport |
Samui airport is super cute. Open air and flowers everywhere. When we got there we got dropped off at the right conveyor belt. There was only one so no chaos and running around to go find your bags. Very chilled out and laid back.
Samui airport uses carts to get you to the plane :) |
The trip back went very smoothly. We had a 15 minute delay on the way to Bangkok but we had plenty of time to catch our next flight.
Two kids KO as we are approaching Bangkok |
Izzie woke up just before landing but Lexie stayed KO as daddy carried her off the plane. Luckily the stroller was waiting for us right at the gate. Lexie really needed some sleep as she slept through security check and passport control. They are very nice in Thailand: we got to go through the special lane (the one for monks and government officials) and Lexie didn't have to get out of the stroller so it could be x-rayed. They simply drove her around the metal detector. No way that would happen in Guangzhou; I've had to take a sleeping Izzie out of the cotton (!!) carrier so the carrier could be x-rayed, sigh..... None of that nonsense in Bangkok!
Ipadding away..... |
Check-in was a bit eery as we encountered no other passengers. It took them a long time to figure out that Lexie and Izzie don't need a visa since they have a special China pass. Well, about 15 minutes later we got our boarding passes. There were about 20 people on the flight. Perfect :) We had a whole row to ourselves. I strongly recommend traveling to Guangzhou on Chinese New Year's Eve.
Bye bye holiday! |
Auntie Qiang came to pick us up and the grandparents were waiting for us at the gate of the compound. They took Lexie and Izzie back first as Haiwen and I went on to offload our baggage. The day before we went back we got a message from grandma: "Let Lexie sleep at our place tomorrow so you guys can have a good rest." Hehehe, yes grandma, we need "rest" :P
We had a nice dinner together at their place and then it was time for bed.
I did manage to go to the spa once again, this time for a facial. So nice! I still feel relaxed now :) I bought some shampoo and body lotion so we get to smell like holiday at home too.
Cool Strepsils |
This holiday "new style" was different from our "old" holidays, of course. We used to be much more active but this time we mostly chilled out and played with the kids. We got in lots of cuddles and kisses :) Also the way "vacation" works is different now. At times either Haiwen and I would take both kids so the other could completely relax for a bit. Haiwen went for a few swims and I went to the Spa or the hammock outside our room. Lexie joined me in the hammock a few times as well, mostly to sing some songs :)
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