donderdag 11 augustus 2016

Time Out

Today I'm home with a case of food poisoning.

I'll spare you the details but let's say last night was not my most comfortable one.
I'm super happy that Lexie and Izzie slept deeply and I didn't wake them up. I would not have been ready to "mommy" for sure. So being sick sucks but somehow I got lucky as well.

I decided to put my essential oils to the test. I used Deep Blue with Peppermint on my neck to get rid of the horrible pressure headache that I was experiencing. I wasn't ready to ingest anything so I rubbed some DigestZen on my tummy. Then I just sat very quietly until I felt better.
The cold sweats started to disappear and I could lay down again.

After a little while I applied the oils again (always just a few drops per time) and I managed to go back to sleep. I woke up a bit groggy but feeling OK.

Now I'm just giving my body time to rest up before going at it again tomorrow with various appointments. I've got a saxophone class scheduled and also a health consult with a lady that just got her oils today. In the evening it is time for some Dutch fun at the monthly Dutch Evening.
Looks like it will be a typical fun and random Joke day, just the way I love it!

zaterdag 6 augustus 2016

Impressions from ShenNongJia

Here's a photobomb from our tour in ShenNongJia, Hubei province.
I've written an official blog post that will be published next week so I can't use it here yet.
Enjoy the shenanigans and nature :)

With Hemshire (presenter) and Andy (guitar/singing)

Playing a popular Japanese song with English lyrics

Outside concert time!
It was fun to sit in front for a change
Well, the pic says it all. No way I was letting that fresh mountain air go to waste!

Being silly tourists :)

Impromptu group pic

Hanging out after a concert

Working :)

Ready for dinner in a very understated room, courtesy of the government

Fake it till you make it!

These snakes got pushed into my hands, well yeah... all good

With the Shanghai crew

This water was absolutely freezing

The bus wasn't as full on the way back to Wuhan as some people had to leave a bit earlier
ShenNongJia is really beautiful

We got lucky with a few amazing days
The view during one of our outdoor concerts

There was also mist.......
....... and rain

ShenNongJia was put on the UNESCO World Heritage List while we were there


dinsdag 2 augustus 2016

ZhongShan Training Camp

In the beginning of June the HuangPu Middle School students had their music camp in ZhongShan (ZS). ZS is about an hour and a half drive from Guangzhou.

The teacher team that included me headed over for the first three days of the camp and our schedule was pretty packed. I went there by car, shared with a few teachers.

Scenes from around my room
We arrived around lunch time on Sunday and classes started at two o'clock. We had a break for dinner and one more class at night. The lessons were in my room so that was pretty convenient.

On Sunday night I was pretty tired so I went to bed early (riveting, I know.....)
Monday was another big teaching day but with a few breaks as we had the morning as well.

Luckily I had brought my diffuser because the smell of my room was, well, uhm..... "interesting"
It was one of those moldy smells that don't make you feel good. Hurray for EasyAir blend!
The students noticed the improved air every time they walked in :)
We may also have done some experimenting with a clarinet put over the opening of the diffuser. It is pretty cool when the fumes come out of the key holes, hahaha.

On Monday night I chilled out with the other teachers for a bit. Some snacks were ordered and we had a good time.

Tuesday was our last day with teaching in the morning and a student/teacher concert in the afternoon.

Workouts continued on location
All the kids have been playing since September last year so I opted for a somewhat easier piece but I made sure that we totally nailed it. And that we did ;)

The concert was fun and I was again very happy to not be a string teacher ;)
I felt a bit of time pressure because I needed to catch to last fat train to Wuhan at 18.43.
The trumpet teacher dropped me off at Guangzhou South Railway Station and I made it with time to spare for dinner :)

The trip to Wuhan takes a bit more than 4 hours. The only downside in my schedule was that I travelled in the dark so I couldn't see the amazing landscapes en route through the window.

I did some reading and ended up chatting with a nice lady from Shanghai. She was taking her grandson out for a few weeks to see China during his holiday. Grandpa was with them as well.

In Wuhan an assistant from MuseScape Chamber Orchestra was waiting for me.
He brought me to my hotel and I was very happy with the amazing shower in my room.
ZS had been great but the lodgings didn't go beyond basic. The shower wasn't more than a trickle, but hey; it was a shower :)
Needless to say that I really really really enjoyed my first ever shower in Wuhan.

This was a great view at midnight!!