donderdag 11 augustus 2016

Time Out

Today I'm home with a case of food poisoning.

I'll spare you the details but let's say last night was not my most comfortable one.
I'm super happy that Lexie and Izzie slept deeply and I didn't wake them up. I would not have been ready to "mommy" for sure. So being sick sucks but somehow I got lucky as well.

I decided to put my essential oils to the test. I used Deep Blue with Peppermint on my neck to get rid of the horrible pressure headache that I was experiencing. I wasn't ready to ingest anything so I rubbed some DigestZen on my tummy. Then I just sat very quietly until I felt better.
The cold sweats started to disappear and I could lay down again.

After a little while I applied the oils again (always just a few drops per time) and I managed to go back to sleep. I woke up a bit groggy but feeling OK.

Now I'm just giving my body time to rest up before going at it again tomorrow with various appointments. I've got a saxophone class scheduled and also a health consult with a lady that just got her oils today. In the evening it is time for some Dutch fun at the monthly Dutch Evening.
Looks like it will be a typical fun and random Joke day, just the way I love it!

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