zaterdag 6 augustus 2016

Impressions from ShenNongJia

Here's a photobomb from our tour in ShenNongJia, Hubei province.
I've written an official blog post that will be published next week so I can't use it here yet.
Enjoy the shenanigans and nature :)

With Hemshire (presenter) and Andy (guitar/singing)

Playing a popular Japanese song with English lyrics

Outside concert time!
It was fun to sit in front for a change
Well, the pic says it all. No way I was letting that fresh mountain air go to waste!

Being silly tourists :)

Impromptu group pic

Hanging out after a concert

Working :)

Ready for dinner in a very understated room, courtesy of the government

Fake it till you make it!

These snakes got pushed into my hands, well yeah... all good

With the Shanghai crew

This water was absolutely freezing

The bus wasn't as full on the way back to Wuhan as some people had to leave a bit earlier
ShenNongJia is really beautiful

We got lucky with a few amazing days
The view during one of our outdoor concerts

There was also mist.......
....... and rain

ShenNongJia was put on the UNESCO World Heritage List while we were there


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